Friday, March 07, 2008

That's it, all over for another year

Well that's it.The week has just flown past. We have had a great 6 days skiing. My legs are like jelly so I'm lying on the bed in my room writing this

My feet hurt, my knees are shot, my face is pealing, my lips are sore and was it worth it. Yeah!!!

Really looking forward to getting home now though and sitting on my comfy sofa and cuddling with my trouble and strife. So until the next trip .......

The End

Our Group leader for the week ...

Great views!

Something fluffy in the woods

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Either very sweet, or fetch the bucket!

There is a deep gorge in China and at it's very top, end-bolted to each rockface, is a foot bridge. Alongside this foot bridge, fixed by the same method, is a large linked chain. On this chain are thousands and thousands of locked padlocks. Engraved on each padlock are the names of two lovers, a date and their declaration of love for each other. Once the padlock is locked onto the chain it's keys are thrown down into the gorge. It is said that their bond of love can never be broken until they find the very key for their padlock and unlock it. The locals call it "The chain of eternal love"

I hurt ...

I think the picture says it all really. Went out at 9 this morning, and got back at 5.
Did black runs, mogals, off piste, bowls and managed to fall over 6 times. Legs are like jelly hence the deep heat.

Last day tomorrow and assuming my legs can handle it we'll be doing more of the same.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Day 3 on the slopes

So after a bit of mucking about with my boot adjustments everything is starting to come together. Had a great day skiing and only feel over once. Very icy later in the day making it a bit tricky. Snow forecast for tonight so hopefully there will be fresh powder in the morning.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Day 2, Lovely clear morning

Day 2, sun is really hot, but the mountains are looking beautiful. Just hope my legs hold up today.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Skiing tomorrow

Only 1 day to go before I leave for the slopes. They haven’t had much snow recently, but there is still plenty on the slopes.


Can’t wait ….

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Not a bad way to spend saturday afternoon

Not a bad way to spend saturday afternoon eh. Asleep in front of the rugby ...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Next Challenge in the planning

So the next challenge has been decided. We are going to do the three peaks again, but this time with a view to raising money for the local children’s nursery. They are looking for some new equipment, and this seemed like the perfect excuse to get back into the mountains.


Sponsorship required so please drop me an email if you are willing to cough up some dosh for a good cause.


Dave …

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tottenham 5 - 1 Arsenal

OH Yes, it's been a long time coming, but a glorious night, and we finally beat our North London neighbours ... I will be celebrating this one for a long time ... role on Chelsea and the cup final.