Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Saturday, June 18, 2005

From Brussels to Cork

From Brussels we flew to Cork for a tour of the EMC production centre. Apart from being power pointed to death, we did have some fun in the local bar, and yes that is a condom on his head …

Friday, June 17, 2005

Brussels June 2005

Straight on from Toulouse, we went to Brussels. A bit of a scare as at the airport in France I got a call from Michelle. She had to take Sam into hospital with breathing problems. Nothing major as it turned out, but it was a horrible flight to Brussels, waiting to hear news at the other end.

The picture was taken at a very nice sea food restaurant just of the main square. The Oysters were to die for.

A slightly more upbeat trip to Toulouse again with FSC

A couple of days after Energis took us to Toulouse, FSC did as well.

A much more up beat trip, and a few glasses were polished of as well.

Toulouse with Energis June 2005

Our Friends at Energis were kind enough to take us to Toulouse to see their Partner StorageTek.

Nice trip, bit low key.